Top 5 Causes of Shopping Cart Abandonment and how to solve them.

E-commerce sites or online stores rely on their website's shopping cart systems to sell the items they offer to their customers online.Shopping Cart abandonment occurs when a customer enters items in the shopping cart and then leave the site before completing the checkout process. A high rate of  Shopping Cart abandonment means lower conversion and revenue loss.

What are the causes of  Shopping Cart Abandonment and how to solve them?

1. Hidden Costs

  By the time the customer clicks the checkout button, they are expecting to buy their chosen item at the price that was indicated before clicking the buy button. Charges that were not made upfront can turn off a buyer easily since people don't like hidden costs. Be upfront about charges and shipping costs. Estimating shipping costs early and offer free or flat shipping so you can win more clients.

2. Complicated Checkout Process

  When a customer clicks on the checkout button, he/she is no longer shopping but making a purchase. A complicated layout with multiple stops and fill-in forms can aggravate the client and drive them away. People want to do their business at a steady and speedy way. A simple checkout process with easy navigation will speed up the transaction and satisfy your customers.
  Make sure that there is a back to shopping link available in case the customer wants to go back to shopping for other items on your store. Make buttons that are easily visible and large enough to be noticed. 
  A progress indicator will inform your customer where they are in the process and numbering the processes can make things clearer for your customer.

3. Website crashes or offline.

  It is really frustrating for a customer when they decide on buying a product and then the website suddenly takes too long to load or goes offline. This will really affect the image of your business to your clients in a negative way. Trustworthiness and competency are a must for an online business to survive and prosper. A website that has slow performance or a lot of downtime will frustrate customers.
  Getting a reliable web hosting service either through a VPS or a dedicated server depending on the number of shoppers you get on your website can easily solve this problem. If your site still doesn't get that many transactions then a basic hosting plan can still suffice but make sure to check with your provider or try other companies that offer the same service to make sure that an unsatisfactory hosting provider does not hinder  your business.

4. Checkout process takes too long.

  Make sure to minimize the steps needed to finish the checkout. It is best to make the whole process as quick, and easy as possible for your customers. Forcing clients to register as a member can also drive them away. Most people who are buying for the first time will not be comfortable enough to give out personal information on a site they aren't sure they can trust. An option for guest checkout will be a great way to solve this.

5. Concerns about payment security.

  The increase in online transactions also increased the different security threats to online buyers. This causes buyers to look for payment solutions they can trust when buying online.Setting up your shopping cart to work with trusted and well known payment services like Master Card or Paypal and ensure the security of all transactions. Minimizing information required from buyers while providing secure transaction signs or symbols can help gain the trust of buyers.


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